Service of the Infiniti QX4 since 1996 of release
1. Introduction
2. Maintenance instruction
3. Routine maintenance
4. Engine
4.1. Specifications
4.2. Check of compression pressure in cylinders
4.3. Diagnostics of a condition of the engine with use of the vacuum gage
4.4. Removal and installation of the engine
4.5. Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline
4.6. Replacement of a belt of the GRM drive
4.7. Removal, check of a state and installation of a head of cylinders
4.8. Replacement of a forward epiploon of a bent shaft
4.9. Removal, check of a state and installation of components of the valvate mechanism
4.10. Replacement of epiploons of camshafts
4.11. Replacement of a back epiploon of a bent shaft
4.12. Removal and installation of the pallet of a case
4.13. Removal, service and installation of the oil pump
4.14. Alternative versions of schemes of recovery repair of the engine
4.15. An order of dismantling of the engine by preparation it to capital repairs
4.16. Dismantling and check of a condition of a head of cylinders and components of the valvate mechanism
4.17. Recommendations about service of valves
4.18. Assembly of a head of cylinders
4.19. Removal of conrod and piston assemblies
4.20. Removal of a bent shaft
4.21. Cleaning of the block of the engine
4.22. Check of a condition of the block of the engine
4.23. Honingovaniye of mirrors of cylinders
4.24. Check of a condition of components of conrod and piston group
4.25. Check of a condition of a bent shaft
4.26. Check of a state and selection of inserts of radical and conrod bearings of a bent shaft
4.27. Engine assembly order
4.28. Installation of piston rings
4.29. Installation of a bent shaft and check of working gaps of radical bearings
4.30. Installation of conrod and piston assemblies and check of size of working gaps in conrod bearings of a bent shaft
4.31. Trial start and a running in of the engine after capital repairs
5. Cooling system and heating
6. Feed and control systems
7. Systems of start and charge
8. Transmission line
9. Brake system
10. Suspension bracket and steering
11. Body
12. Electric equipment



4.9. Removal, check of a state and installation of components of the valvate mechanism


    Remove the camshaft (see below). Take a pusher from the landing nest in a head of cylinders — try to remember the adjusting provision of components.

The pushers removed from the engine have to be stored in vertical position, the surface contacting to a yoke up! If this requirement for any reasons cannot be fulfilled, it is necessary to put pushers in an oil bathtub for the purpose of prevention of hit of air in a cavity of hydraulic compensators of valvate gaps.



    Estimate degree of wear of pushers, check them for existence of signs of mechanical damages. By measurement of outer diameters of pushers and internal diameters of their landing nests calculate sizes of landing gaps of components. Make sure that results of calculations conform to standard requirements (see Specifications).


Before installation pushers should be oiled pure motive.


    Serially put pushers in the guides of a nest in a head of cylinders.

Track that each pusher was established strictly on the former place!


Identification of bearing necks of camshafts and dimensional characteristics for definition of gaps in bearings

Sizes of necks of a shaft

And = 46.920 — 46.940 mm
In = 42.420 — 42.440 mm
With = 47.920 — 47.940 mm

Sizes of the corresponding bearings

And = 47.000 — 47.025 mm
In = 42.500 — 42.525 mm
With = 48.000 — 48.025 mm

Before removal of a belt of the GRM drive the engine should be given to the provision of VMT of the end of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder — track correctness of combination of adjusting tags of cogwheels distributive and cranked in bulk (see Replacement of a belt of the GRM drive).

In order to avoid damage of valves and pistons do not turn shaft at the taken-off GRM drive belt!



    Uncover the gas-distributing mechanism (see Removal, check of a state and installation of a head of cylinders). Take off a GRM drive belt (see Replacement of a belt of the GRM drive). Holding the camshaft from a provorachivaniye a wrench for the lysk located directly behind a cogwheel turn out a bolt of fastening of the last. Remove cogwheels of both camshafts. Remove a back cover of the GRM drive.
    Remove assembly of an axis of yokes and take pushers of valves (see above).
    By means of the dial measuring instrument measure the size of an axial side play of both camshafts.
    Accurately take the camshaft through the forward party of a head — try not to scratch bearing necks. Remove a camshaft epiploon.



    Attentively examine components on existence of signs of mechanical damages.
    Measure height of cams and diameter of bearing necks of camshafts (see the illustration Identification of Bearing Necks of Camshafts and Dimensional Characteristics for Definition of Gaps in bearings).

    A — Measurement of height of a cam of the camshaft
    B — Measurement of diameter of bearing necks


    Measure diameters of beds under landing of shaft in a head and by calculation determine the size of oil gaps (see the illustration Identification of Bearing Necks of Camshafts and Dimensional Characteristics for Definition of Gaps in bearings). Compare results of calculations to requirements of Specifications. In case of need make replacement of shaft / heads of cylinders.
    If did not check the size of an axial side play of shaft at their removal, establish a shaft in a head and tighten a bolt of a persistent plate with the required effort, then perform necessary measurement.
    If the size of an axial side play exceeds admissible value (see Specifications), pick up a new persistent plate of the corresponding size. For example, if the size of a side play makes 0.08 mm at the established plate No. 2, replacement of a plate by No. 3 will lead up to 0:05 mm to reduction of a side play.
    Stacking shaft in V-shaped blocks by means of the dial measuring instrument of plunger type determine sizes of their radial beating (address an illustration 9.9). Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications, in case of need make replacement of shaft.
    Estimate a condition of pushers of valves (see above).



    Oil a camshaft epiploon pure motive. Fill an epiploon in the landing nest and by means of a suitable mandrel press it aflush with a head surface.

As a mandrel the replaceable face head of the corresponding size, or a piece of a pipe of suitable diameter can be used — the mandrel has to rest only against a rigid face surface of an epiploon!

    Oil pure motive surfaces of cams and bearing necks of a shaft and accurately put it in a head of cylinders. Establish a persistent plate and a back cover of a head of cylinders — track that the shaft was developed by the directing pin up.

    Make installation of pushers of valves (see above). Temporarily record pushers in nests a wire, then establish assembly of an axis of yokes and in two-three receptions evenly tighten bolts of its fastening.

    Establish a back cover of the GRM drive — track that fixing bolts were tightened with the required effort. Establish a camshaft cogwheel — oil a carving part and the lower cut of a head of a fixing bolt before installation motive. Tighten a bolt with the required effort.

In order to avoid damage of valves and pistons do not turn shaft at the taken-off GRM drive belt!

    Establish a gas-distributing belt (see Replacement of a belt of the GRM drive). Further installation is made as it should be, the return to an order of dismantle of components — track that all fixture was tightened with the required effort.

"on the page back
4.8. Replacement of a forward epiploon of a bent shaft
on the following page"
4.10. Replacement of epiploons of camshafts